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Four times late Lamidi Adedibu dared the Nigerian state



Lamidi Adedibu was a Nigerian politician and businessman who was known for his influential role in the politics of Oyo State, particularly in Ibadan.

Adedibu was a powerful figure in Nigerian politics and was known for his tough and often controversial tactics. Here are some of the times when Adedibu dared the Nigerian state.

1. Adedibu’s defiance during the Second Republic

In 1979, Adedibu was a member of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) and was elected to the Oyo State House of Assembly.

He was known for his tough stance and was instrumental in the election of Bola Ige as the governor of Oyo State.

However, after Ige’s victory, Adedibu refused to accept his appointment as commissioner and instead chose to remain a member of the House of Assembly. He was later expelled from the NPN for his defiance.

2. Adedibu’s role in the 2003 elections

Adedibu was a key figure in the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Oyo State during the 2003 general elections.

He was accused of using his influence to manipulate the electoral process and ensure the victory of his preferred candidate, Rashidi Ladoja, as governor of Oyo State.

Adedibu was widely criticized for his actions, and the controversy surrounding the election led to a period of political instability in the state.

3. Adedibu’s role in the impeachment of Ladoja

In 2005, Adedibu was instrumental in the impeachment of Ladoja as governor of Oyo State. He was accused of using his influence to manipulate the state House of Assembly and orchestrate Ladoja’s removal from office.

Adedibu’s actions were widely condemned by the public, and he was accused of undermining the democratic process.

4. Adedibu’s involvement in the 2007 elections

Adedibu continued to play a key role in Oyo State politics during the 2007 general elections. He was accused of using his influence to ensure the victory of his preferred candidate, Adebayo Alao-Akala, as governor of Oyo State.

Adedibu’s actions were widely criticized, and his involvement in the election was seen as a threat to the democratic process.

Lamidi Adedibu was a powerful and controversial figure in Nigerian politics. He was known for his tough and often controversial tactics and was a key player in the politics of Oyo State.

Adedibu’s defiance during the Second Republic, his role in the 2003 and 2007 elections, and his involvement in the impeachment of Ladoja are just a few examples of the times when he dared the Nigerian state.

Despite his controversial reputation, Adedibu remains a prominent figure in Nigerian politics and his legacy continues to be felt in Oyo State and beyond.


The information in this article was curated from online sources. NewsWireNGR or its editorial team cannot independently verify all details.

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