Heavens Hell, a psychological drama set in Lagos tells the story of two housewives and best friends; the loquacious and miserable ALICE HENSHAW, the pleasant and compliant TSOLA ALIU and their husbands, the affluent and kind EDWARD HENSHAW and the egotistical and brilliant JEFF ALIU, whose lives are held together by rock-solid friendship and unwavering love, yet laced by betrayal, deceit and a lurking darkness. Certainly a must watch!
The movie features talented actors like Nse Ikpe Etim, Bimbo Akintola, Damilola Adegbite, OC Ukeje, Fabian Adeoye Lojede, Chet Anekwe, Kalu Ikeagwu, Femi Jacobs, Gideon Okeke, Treasure Obasi, Bimbo Manuel, Wole Coker, Waje, Sarah Majekodumi.
Written by: Tenyin Ikpe Etim, Uyai Ikpe Etim & Katung Musa Aduwak
Directed by: Katung Musa Aduwak.
Produced by: Katung Musa Aduwak & Tenyin Ikpe Etim
The movie will premiere on Friday, January 23rd 2015. Follow conversations on social media, use hashtag #HeavensHell