Press Releases
NHRC Partners with CSOs to Develop Online Platform for Reporting Human Rights Violations

Nigerians can now report human rights violations and get real time response from the National Human Rights Commission. This can be done via an online platform that has been developed by the NHRC to document, report and investigate human rights violations in Nigeria.
The tech-based platform, developed in partnership with Shehu Musa Yar’AduaFoundation, Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), Nigerian Civil Society Situation Room, Department for International Development (UKAID), and Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC), allows users to upload pictures of events, with indication of location, time and nature of violations. Theuser is also able to input other information like the name of the alleged violator(s) and victim(s) and other real time information that can be further verified by the responders.
The online platform is also able to collate, analyse and generate results and data for the reports and provide dash-board information for the public.
“The Commission’s primary mandate is the monitoring and investigation of human rights violations. This includes the publication of annual state of human rights report for the country; this platform is therefore key to efficiency and effectiveness in the discharge of the mandate of the Commission”
The online platform will not just help victims report abuses and abusers, it will bring the individuals and agencies behind any human rights violation to account.
The platform will also be used by the Commission to scale up its efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of its functions.
CSO partners and citizens are encouraged to file reports using the link below: