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Cheta Nwanze: Concerns Over The Borno Schoolgirls, Were They Waiting To Be Trafficked?



When I was much younger, the NCE was almost as big as WAEC, because at the time, everyone wanted their child to go to Kings or Queens. On Saturday, just over 95,000 students sat for the NCE. Now consider the following facts: first, entry age into secondary schools in Nigeria ranges from 9 to 11; second, according to our Population Commission, there are roughly 10 million souls in that age group. These imply that just under one percent of them wrote the Common Entrance. These, are figures that will haunt us in 6 years. Where were the remaining 99% on Saturday? Were they waiting to be trafficked?

You see, the human trafficking trade was worth an estimated $31.6 billion per year as of 2010. That, is no amount to be sniffed at. As a matter of fact, the sexual exploitation part of the trade is perhaps its most lucrative aspect. Which is why the pressure that our Prez is being put under as a result of the Chibok girls is welcome. We must, sad as it may be, begin to consider the possibility that those girls were kidnapped in order to be sold into sexual slavery. If that is the case, then by now our government should have made contact with the governments of the countries along the old trans-Sahara slave route, because that is the path that they will have to take to their new, sad lives. To quote Sola Lawson, the business of government ought to stop, until those girls are found.

Meanwhile if you are in Abuja, please join in the rally tomorrow. Your voice must be heard. Typically in our country, when someone does rubbish, and is not punished, himself, and copycats, tend to get emboldened. This time it is around 200 girls. Next time, it will be more.

Speaking of mothers, our Petrol ichafo is in the news, yet again. While her peers are agonising over missing kids, she’s agonising over her apparent flamboyance being put under a microscope. In order to prevent the hyenas from getting a stronger scent of her trail, she’s beaten that well worn path that was initially cut by a former Rivers state etibho. She’s gone to court. Aim, to get a perpetual injunction. Now depending on which of this, this or this is your preferred breakfast accompaniment, she has gotten the backing of the court to stop the hyenas. Now that, is how to put the judiciary to good use.

Bits and bobs

  • Another day, another ban. I do not expect to see the petrol ichafo carrying her own bags in the near future though. What nonsense!
  • Speaking of bans, and it appears that education has been banned in our polytechnics. And it’s all because of politics.
  • Speaking of politics, the Prime Minister says that #BokoHaram is political. She failed to name the politicians who are members of this new political party though.
  • Maybe it is Murtala Nyako. It appears that his police detail has gone on vacation. Now, for the records, I don’t like that chap very much. Scratch that, I actively dislike the man. But he remains a state governor. It is about his office, not about his person. Can we learn to stop playing politics with everything?

Cheta Nwanze writes from Lagos Nigeria and tweets from @Chxta


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