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2027: Obi gives condition for merger with PDP



The 2023 presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, has said the possibility of a merger between the LP and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) depends solely on the merger being in the interest of the country.

In an interview on NoireTV-GlobalBlackTV, Obi also reacted to the prospect of being supported as a Southeast candidate in the 2027 presidential election by former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, the PDP’s 2023 flagbearer.

According to him, the condition for the merger must be in the interest of the country and not just for elections’ sake or to just capture power.

His comment was coming on the heels of his recent meeting with Atiku and the response of the All Progressives Congress (APC) that the duo of Atiku and Obi were united by their mutual desperation to be president of Nigeria.

“If the merger is to be able to govern Nigeria properly and unlock all those things that will make Nigeria a better place, I’m for it. If it’s just a merger for election or state capture, I’m not for it or part of it. I don’t want to be part of anything like that,” Obi said.

Recall that Obi had met with his Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, counterpart, Atiku Abubakar, former Senate President Bukola Saraki, and Sule Lamido.

The meeting with the duo had sparked speculations of a possible merger, which Atiku recently clamoured for.

Reacting to the speculations, Yunusa Tanko, the spokesman of the defunct Obi-Datti presidential campaign council, said Obi would only partner with those who have similar values.

Featuring on Channels Television’s Politics Today on Monday, Tanko said: “His Excellency, Peter GregoryObi is not interested in a merger that is only for the interest of seeking power.

“He is interested in a merger that will bring Nigerians out of the poverty level, bringing the Nigerian people to a comfortable state of health care.

“Making sure Nigerians have potable drinking water; making sure the problem of power supply is being solved.

“So, therefore, he is interested strongly in a merger that is driven by ideology and a programme. But if it’s only for the purpose of power, he is not interested.”

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