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2027: Why PDP must stick to zoning — Bode George



Former National Deputy Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has given reasons why the party must stick to its power rotation grundnorm between the North and South to win in 2027.

George said this while fielding questions from newsmen during his address to the nation, titled “My Thoughts on The State of Our Country in the Last 25 Years: A Time to Chart A New Direction”.

He was reacting to a recent statement made by former Vice President Atiku Abubakar and PDP 2023 Presidential candidate that he would drop his ambition in 2027 if the party picks the Labour Party Presidential candidate in 2023, Mr Peter Obi.

George said power rotation must be sacrosanct, adding that the PDP should have learnt its lessons from the defeat of 2023.

He said: “Our party has a grundnorm. The constitution of our party as compiled by the founding father, Baba Ekwueme (former Vice President Alex Ekwueme) and his team will remain a guiding light.

“We have paid a big price for not following the rule. We have made mistakes, let us learn. It has cost us too much.

“Section 7 sub section 3C states very clearly that the party must adhere to the zoning and rotation procedures for party positions and elective positions simultaneously for things to work well.”

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