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“Fayose’s Victory A Game Changer For Lagos Elections” State PDP



The Lagos State Chapter of the Peoples Democratic Party has congratulated Ayo Fayose, on winning the election in Ekiti State, kicking out Kayode Fayemi of the opposition, All Progressives Congress, noting that the victory is a sign of things to come in the entire South West and in Lagos State, especially.

“The Party chapter says it sees the Ekiti victory as a ‘game changer’ and good omen for PDP in south West and Lagos State in particular.”

The Lagos PDP also congratulated the National Secretariat of the ruling party as well as President Goodluck Jonathan on the victory recorded in the Ekiti State Governorship election.

In a statement made by the Chairman of the Party, Tunji Shelle, “the Party also commended the INEC and security forces for guaranteeing a free and fair process”.

Mr Shelle further called on defectors to return to the “winning Party”.

“We congratulate Governor-elect Dr Peter Ayodele Fayose, the good people of Ekiti State, the National Secretariat and of course our Leader, Dr Goodluck Jonathan on this ‘game changer’ victory in the southwest geo-Political Zone. We see this as good Omen for our Zone and indeed Lagos State.

We shall build on this victory and not relent in our resolve to also free Lagos state from the control of APC.

We are thus calling on defectors to have a rethink and return now to be part of the wind of change imminent to pass through in Lagos State,” the statement read.

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