The conflict between actress Adunni Ade and Indrive cab driver Francis Njoku has intensified, with Njoku threatening to take legal action against her. The issue began...
By Balogun Kamilu Lekan Biography Adunni Adewale, known as Adunni Ade, is a Nigerian actress, fashion model, brand ambassador, and social media influencer. Adunni was born...
Nollywood actress, Adunni Ade is the star on the cover of the new issue of Lolar Shon Magazine. The mother of two who has in the...
This year’s edition of the Nollywood Movie Awards took place last Saturday at the Intercontinental hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos. The well attended event was hosted by Channel...
Ace Nigerian comedian, Bovi Ugboma entertained Lagos with his ‘Man On Fire’ comedy concert on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island,...