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Man sentenced to 1 year imprisonment for stealing N1,000 worth of food items



An Abeokuta Magistrates’ court in Isabo, on Friday, sentenced one Kazeem Salami, 25, to one-year imprisonment for stealing food items worth N1000.

The Magistrate Mrs V.B. Williams said that the prosecution had proved its case beyond reasonable doubt, adding that the convict was guilty as charged.

The convict had at his arraignment pleaded not guilty.

Earlier, the Prosecutor, Insp. Lawrence Olu-Balogun, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on March 5.

He said that the offence was committed at 3:00 a.m., at Duroja Street in Ake village via Laderin in Abeokuta.

The prosecutor explained that the convict was noticed by residents of the community loitering around the community, which caused some suspicion.

He said that when the convict was accosted and interrogated, by security officers in the community, he could not give a satisfactory account of where he was going to in the community

According to him, the convict could also not give an account of where he got the yam flour, palm oil, and other food items in his possession, all worth N1000.

The prosecutor said that the offence contravened Section 390 (9) of the Criminal Code Laws of Ogun 2006.

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