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Lagos health commissioner, Prof Abayomi, highlights what you need to know about cholera




The Lagos State Commissioner for Health, Professor Akin Abayomi, has highlighted some important details about cholera following outbreak in the state.

On cholera causes and transmission, Abayomi disclosed that cholera is caused by contaminated water and food and transmission common in areas with inadequate water treatment, poor sanitation, and insufficient hygiene.

He said that common symptoms include severe diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, thirst and muscle cramps.

“Symptoms can appear within a few hours to five days after infection,” he warned.

On prevention measures, Abayomi advised citizens to drink safe water that’s boiled, treated, or bottled and eat food that’s thoroughly cooked and hot, and avoid raw foods.

He advised citizens to maintain high hygiene by washing hands with soap and clean water regularly and using proper sanitation facilities and disposing of waste properly.

Speaking on treatment, Abayomi stressed that immediate action on rehydration was key, adding that oral rehydration salts (ORS) are crucial.

He added that medical treatment would be required for severe cases that may require intravenous fluids and antibiotics.

Abayomi advised the public to seek prompt medical help if symptoms occur and report any suspected cases to health hotlines: 08023169485 08137412348, or call 767 or 112.

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