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Naira appreciates against dollar by 0.02%, trades N1,483/$ at official market



The Naira on Monday slightly appreciated at the official market trading at N1,483.62 to the dollar.

Data from the official trading platform of the FMDQ Exchange, a platform that oversees the Nigerian Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market (NAFEM), revealed that the Naira gained 37 kobo.

This represents a 0.02 per cent gain when compared to the previous trading date on Friday when it traded at N1,483.99 to the dollar.

However, the volume of currency traded reduced to $161.69 on Monday down from $269.27 million recorded on Friday.

Meanwhile, at the Investor’s and Exporter’s (I&E) window, the Naira traded between N1,505 and N1,410 against the dollar.

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