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Kankara Attack: Governor Radda vows to defeat banditry



The Katsina State Governor, Malam Dikko Radda, on Tuesday, vowed to defeat banditry following the recent attack on innocent lives at Gidan Boka village in Kankara Local Government Area of the State.

The incident, which took place on Sunday, June 9th, 2024, tragically claimed the lives of 26 people, comprising two members of the Katsina Security Watch Corps, four Police Officers, 20 other residents, with two other residents wounded.

The governor while extending his heartfelt condolences to the families and loved ones of all those affected, joined the entire state in praying for the repose of the souls of the departed and comfort for the bereaved families during this difficult time.

He therefore recognised the tireless efforts of security forces who continue to confront the criminal elements that threaten peace in the state, stating that, his administration remains firmly committed to eradicating banditry and all forms of criminality within the State.

According to Radda, the state government is actively working with the Federal Government and all relevant security agencies, to implement a comprehensive security strategy to end this menace.

He further pledged a heightened security presence in Kankara and other vulnerable areas, emphasising enhanced intelligence-gathering capabilities to proactively identify and disrupt criminal activities throughout the state.

In a statement signed on Tuesday by the Chief Press Secretary to the Katsina State Governor, Ibrahim Kaula, noted that Sunday’s attack by bandits, represents a significant setback in the ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and security of all Katsina residents.

“Recognising the importance of collaboration with local communities, Governor Radda emphasised the need to work closely with community leaders to build trust and foster a culture of information sharing.

“Acknowledging the root causes of insecurity, which he said often lie in poverty and lack of opportunity, he assured continued investment in development programs that create jobs and empower communities.

“He expressed confidence that through these combined efforts, the state can bring an end to the violence and create a lasting peace for the people of Katsina State.

“Governor Radda urges anyone with information about the perpetrators of this attack to come forward to the authorities, emphasising that “we will work tirelessly to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

“This is a time for unity and resolve. We call on all Katsina residents to remain calm and cooperate with our security forces. Together, we will prevail over these forces of darkness and build a safer future for our state,” Governor Radda pleaded.

The Spokesman of the Katsina State Police Command, ASP Abubakar Sadiq, had earlier on Monday in a statement revealed that, the command was working with all relevant stakeholders in the state to prevent further occurrences and the arrest of the perpetrators of the dastardly act, adding that, the command has as well deployed additional operational assets to the area.

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